4:17 PM

Kitten introduction

Oh look at them, arent they CUTE! well, they are now. When we first brought Kenni home there was a hissy fightfest cause Sundae didn't like the tiny smelly intruder.
THIS stinky food hoarking snugglefest is Kenpachi, or Kenni. He eats, he sleeps, he snuggles, and poos like he's got a nuclear reactor in his butt. Stink. He also likes climbing on things he shouldn't, like his papa's leather computer chair. He's a slow learner, unless its "if Amanda's in the kitchen i can get food" That took him one day.
This is Sundae, she is as friendly as she looks, which means, sometimes. We got her a lil over a year ago and she was a secret at the time. She prefers chicken over anything else, my lap Over my Beau's, and Hates when Kenni steals her sleeping spot, which he does, all the time, just to spite her. She isnt spayed yet, so she still has "butt dances" and is currently pushing all of her nails into my arm. But in the loving way. *winces*

I think you all should know my kitties cause they are cute and when I talk of them, it will help you know who is whom. And now you do! so yay!!

Live free and Have Honor



Anonymous said...

They're TOO CUTE :3 I wish my kitty were cuter, now he's being a pain in the neck most of the time. Idk what to do with him XD

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