4:05 AM

My birthday!

Cat Girls are done and will be photographed here shortly and put up for sale. That is, the ones that didnt start to run because of the sealant, are going up. i'm also repainting the bases so they look a bit more crisp.

I fell into a wonderful story idea with the banter between myself and Scott. The working Title is :Viskers, Midnight, and The Twinkle Techno Night Squad. i'm waiting for my caffeine to kick in....any second.

Also, got woken up by a rab/beatbox/singing pair of friends who brought me a box of donuts with candles in them and a grande caramel mocha frappe with extra espresso. <3 my birthday. It started with a large birthday chocolate milk, (enev thought today is chocolate milk day) Later I went out for Loaded potato bites from Arby's and a subway 6inch italian BMT. mmmm. and then I had 1/2 a birthday danish and 2 big cups of milk. THEN I slept for most of the day. So it was friggin fantastic!

Sippin on my drink still and got the sleepin Sundae on my lap. gotta get today started. I mean it's already 5:41 AM!


*sips more and reads MLIA*

1:08 AM

Blame my birthday

Another late night update.

Ok, I got supplies for hats, got plans to build hats, even started them. Then people wanted to do things for my birthday, some dinners, rockband, shopping. I cannot be held responsible if my Etsy shop is delayed.... obviously.

Ok tomorrow night I (probably) swear! I will finish the hot egg balloons before sew a stitch on the hats. Also, Cat Girls Assemble!! *action pose*


3:19 AM

So tired..

Going to sleep now, language failing me. Got hats& hot egg balloons started, cat girls parts drying, long day gotta stay focused. Should have Etsy shop up by late tomorrow(mon). that is if etsy comes back from site maintenance. GOAL: Have done-cat girls, hot egg balloons, post them on Etsy.

Don't know if I should buy tickets to Steamcon, or wait and see how much I can make between now and then to help cover costs. I guess we'll see. Taking Kenpachi kitty to the vet's tomorrow and maybe getting him snip-snipped. Let's hope that doesn't take too much time.

Tomorrow during the day I'll try and post pics of the current stage of products.

*passes out on keys*

3:37 PM


Allo there people of the interwebs!

OK then. I am back from the land of dissidence and hard times, mostly. I changed up the blog and it has a new purpose. Also barring any insta-comas or kidnappings, I will be updating every weekday. I shall also be doing this in cahoots with my Daily Ustream. So if you would like to see something drawn, sculpted, or read, just find me there. Don't have a schedule set up yet, but should have such things figured out in the next day or so. I'm going to go work on schematics now. you guys have a shiny day!